Written Corrective Feedback Given by Teachers of MtsN Durian Tarung Padang on Students’ Grammatical Errors

Penulis         : Rahmi Roza Putri / 110960 / 2011 / KP

Pembimbing : 1. Drs. Saunir Saun, M.Pd.

                        2. Fitrawati, S.S., M.Pd


This research aimed at finding out the types of written corrective feedback used by English teachers of a junior high school on student’s grammatical errors , and problems related to written corrective feedback on grammatical errors from the teacher’s perspectives. This is a descriptive research in which the population was all of English teacher of MTsN Durian Tarung Padang. By using maximal variation sampling technique, all of the teachers, who were five teachers, were chosen to be the sample. The first instrument used was documents which were notebooks and exercise books of the students of the school in the year 2015/2016, and the second instrument was interview with the teachers. From the research, it was found that only three types of the five types were practiced by the teachers. They were, consecutively written from the most frequently used to the least, direct corrective feedback, indirect corrective feedback and metalinguistic feedback with the use of error codes. In addition, problems related to written CF were repetition of errors, students proficiency, student’s attitude, time-consuming, ineffectiveness of existing error feedback practice, and readability of students writing. Therefore, English teacher, future teachers should enrich their knowledge of written corrective feedback, optimizing their correction to optimize the benefits to the students language development and find solution to solve problem related to written corrective on students’ grammatical error.

Keywords: Written corrective feedback, grammatical errors

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tipe-tipe koreksi tertulis yang digunakan guru Bahasa Inggris di sekolah menengah pertama (SMP) pada kesalahan-kesalahan grammar siswa dan masalah-masalah seputar koreksi tertulis dari sudut pandang guru. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dimana populasinya adalah seluruh guru Bahasa Inggris MTsN Durian Tarung Padang. Dengan menggunakan maximal variation sampling technique, seluruh guru tersebut, lima orang, dipilih menjadi sampel. Instrumen pertama yang digunakan adalah dokumen berupa buku-buku catatan dan latihan Bahasa Inggris siswa ditahun ajaran 2015/2016, dan nstrument kedua adalah wawancara dengan kelima guru tersebut. Dari penelitian ditemukan bahwa hanya 3 tipe koreksi tertulis yang digunakan para guru, diurutkan dari yang terbanyak digunakan yaitu direct corrective feedback, indirect corrective feedback dan metalinguistic feedback with the use of error codes. Masalah-masalah seputar koreksi tertulis pada kesalahan grammar siswa antara lain pengulangan kesalahan, kemampuan bahasa siswa, sikap siswa terhadap koreksi, penyediaan waktu, ketidakefektifan koreksi yang telah ada, tulisan siswa yang sulit terbaca. Dengan membaca hasil penelitian ini, diharapkan para guru dan calon guru memperkaya wawasan dan pengetahuan mereka akan pengetahuan tentang koreksi tertulis, mengefektifan koreksi untuk memaksimalkan manfaat koreksi untuk kemajuan siswa dan mencari solusi dan penanganan untuk masalah-masalah seputar koreksi tertulis untuk kesalahan grammar.

Kata Kunci: Written corrective feedback, grammatical errors