ISELT 5 2017
Theme: “Challenges and Opportunities in Multi-dimensional English Language Teaching in Changing EFL Contexts”
Many believe that the ability of human beings to communicate by means of language is what makes humans human. In this modern and global era, the ability to communicate in more than one language is essential in order to facilitate international and intercultural interactions. Bilingual and multilingual speakers are more successful in many areas than monolinguals. As Indonesia develops free trade through its open market policy, the flow of people to and from all corners of the world will greatly increase, creating new contexts for English teaching and learning. A wide range of international workplaces could become available to Indonesian graduates, both here and in other parts of Asia.
TEFL frequently faces problems, linguistically and practically, in new contexts. That English has such academic-practical challenges and opportunities has now become a productive field for academic questions and scientific studies.One target of scientific works is analyzing the success of L1, L2 and FL teaching-learning processes. There is a need for thorough exploration and scientific description of particular phenomena related to this. Well-run programs and best EFL practices in non-English speaking countries are waiting for the results of qualified studies and reports dealing with these challenges and opportunities as presented by experts, researchers, practitioners, teachers, and others interested in EFL learning. Accordingly, the way forward is to have scientific-academic discussion on the challenges and opportunities in EFL teaching and learning in these changing contexts. Therefore, the English Department of Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni (The Faculty of Language and Art), Universitas Negeri Padang (The State University of Padang) is going to hold The Fifth International Seminar on English Language and Teaching (ISELT)-5 with the theme:
Challenges and Opportunities in Multi-dimensional English Language Teaching in Changing EFL contexts”
- Discovering the best and most appropriate multi-dimensional English teaching methods in ASEAN contexts.
- Exploring and describing linguistic and grammatical features of English used in a variety of contexts.
- Specific features and language components of English used by EFL learners as intercultural and inter-lingual communication.
- Designing and developing appropriate EFL learning materials reflecting new contexts and goals.
- Pursuing English Literature learning/teaching in current EFL contexts.
- Forms and features of appropriate assessments and evaluation of EFL learning in specific contexts and for specific goals at university level.
- Designing and developing appropriate learning materials for beginners, intermediate, and/or advanced learners reflecting particular contexts and goals.
- Stylistic and literary features of English for better EFL learning practices in particular contexts and for particular goals.
- Challenges and opportunities for translation in changing EFL contexts.
- Research on English language, linguistics and literature in EFL settings (for S1/under graduate students only)
- Any other related topics in language, literature and linguistic learning/teaching in EFL settings will also be considered (for S1/undergraduate students only)
This international seminar aims at identifying, presenting and discussing the challenges and opportunities ofmulti-dimensional English language teaching in changing contexts. In addition, it is to be hoped that the seminar will also consider ways of solving the problems of EFL learning in these new contexts, which would be valuable for improving EFL programs and practices.
Invited speakers:

Parallel Papers/Speakers and Participants:
The committee invites lecturers, researchers, teachers, students, and those who are interested in EFL teaching to attend and present in theparallel sessions. The abstract submission deadline is February 20, 2017 and the acceptance notices will be posted on February 27, 2017.
Abstract and Paper:
Abstracts of research results or innovative ideas should be of 250 words. The abstract should contain title, name of author(s), affiliation, e-mail address, body of abstract, and key words/phrases. Please also include on another page a short curriculum vitae of the author(s). The full paper should also be written in English, 9 –10 pages in length on A4 paper, containing title, name of author(s), affiliation, e-mail address, Abstract (in English); Introduction; Relevant Theoretical Review, Data Analysis and Discussion, Conclusion, References, and Short CV of author(s). For both abstract and full paper, please use MS-Office Word 97-2003 or MS-Office Word 2007, (file “doc”or “docx”); font 12-pt and 1.5 spaces. The abstract and full paper should be sent to the secretariat of ISELT-5 committee via e-mail: and cc to; Please pay attention to the deadlines below. All papers are published in the form ofaProceeding with ISSN code number and granted further opportunity to be published in Lingua Didaktika: JurnalBahasadan Pembelajaran Bahasa(terms and conditions apply).
Important Dates:
- Abstract submission deadline : 5 March, 2017
- The notification of abstract acceptance : 12 March, 2017
- Full paper submission deadline : 27 March, 2017
- Early bird payment deadline : 27 April, 2017
- Participation registration deadline : 1 May, 2017
- Date of Seminar : 9 –10 May, 2017
Venue and Time of Activities:
Pangeran Beach Hotel, Jln. Juanda No. 79 Padang; on 9 –10 May, 2017; at 7.30 –16.00 WIB
Seminar Fee and Registration:
- S1 Student: IDR. 350.000,00 (early bird); IDR. 400.000,00 (normal)
- S2/S3 Student/High School teacher: IDR. 450.000,00 (early bird); IDR. 550.000,00 (normal)
- Lecturer/public persons: IDR. 500.000,00 (early bird); IDR. 600.000,00 (normal)
- Parallel speaker with proceeding: IDR. 700.000,00 (early bird); IDR. 800.000,00 (normal)
- Overseas speaker/participant: $ US 100 (early bird); $ US 120 (normal)
Further information and Registration visit
Registration will be confirmed only when the Seminar Fee has been paid (non-refundable). The payment of Seminar Fee can be transferred to Bank BNI Padang, Account Number 0291874850, Name of Acc. No. Aryuliva Adnan or Bank Nagari (BPD) Padang, Account Number 2103-0210-805330 Name of Acc. No. Aryuliva Adnan before 27 April, 2017 (early bird) and before 1 May, 2017 (normal). Please send the transfer document (bank receipt) and registration form (filled in) to committee secretariat via e-mail: and cc to
- Invited speakers and speakers for parallel sessions will receive seminar kits, seminar booklets, certificate (as speaker), proceeding with ISBN code number, snacks, and lunch;
- All active participants will receive seminar kits, seminar booklet, certificate (as participant), snacks, and lunch;
- Participants who are going to purchase the proceeding with ISBN code number may kindly contact the committee secretariat with the additional payment of Rp.200.000,00/proceeding.
Hotel Reservation and Information:
The committee cannot make reservations for speakers’and participants’hotels or accommodation, but the committee can provide some information about hotels near the seminar venue. The seminar fee does not include reservation/accommodation:
- Pangeran Beach Hotel, Jln. Juanda No. 79 Padang, Telp. (0751)7051333, 7054613 (seminar venue); rate: Rp. 583.000,00;’s
- Tiga-Tiga Hotel, Jln. Veteran No. 33 Padang, Telp. (0751)22137 (around 2,5 KM to the seminar VENUE, CHANGE ALL BELOW TO VENUE);rate: Rp. 235.000,00;
- Grand Inna Muara Convention Hotel, Jln. Gereja No. 34 Padang, Telp. (0751)35600 (around 4 KM to the seminar location);
- Sriwijaya Hotel, Jln. Veteran No. 26 Padang, Telp. (0751)7855145, 445774 (3 KM to the seminar location); rate: Rp. 300.000,00;
- ION Hotel, Jln. S. Parman Padang, Telp. (0751)446767 (1,8 KM to the seminar location); rate: Rp. 300.000,00;
- NabawiSyariah Hotel, Jln. Samudera Padang, Telp. (0751) 22000 (1,5 KM to the seminar location);rate: Rp. 150.000,00;
- Fortuna Guest House S. Parman No. 161 Padang, Telp. (0751)705475 (1,5 KM to the seminar location); rate: Rp. 250.000,00 –Rp. 400.000,00;
Contact persons:
For further information about the seminar, please contact:
- Desvalini Anwar : HP.082247607640 (e-mail:
- DelviWahyuni : HP.081267059738 (e-mail:
- Witri Oktavia : HP.08116619202 (e-mail:
- Salam Mairi : HP.081266184075 (email :