Lets Join ICFLI 2024

International Conference on Foreign Languages and Instructions is organized by English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Padang in collaboration with English Magister Program FBS UNP and Unit Kegiatan Bahasa Asing (UKBA) UNP.
Presenters and participants are welcomed to discuss and disseminate current issues under the theme ‘Bridging Barriers, Charting New Territories’.

This event will be held in:
📆 Thursday-Friday, October 17th-18th, 2024
📌 Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP Hotel), West Sumatra

Selected papers will be published in the national accredited journals with additional publication fee.

For further information, please contact:
Witri Oktavia, M.Pd (+62) 811-6619-202
Adm & Payment
Ainul Addinna, M.Pd (+62) 0813-6306-2182
Hermi Zaswita, M.Pd (+62) 0822-9867-3794
Dr. Affandi Arianto, M.Pd
(+62) 0853-7660-0204

Website : https://icfli.fbs.unp.ac.id/
E-mail : icfli@fbs.unp.ac.id

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